Monday, April 12, 2010

Still Not Yet

Sadly there is no new information regarding the possibility of the valve replacement surgery.  It's looking like they won't go through with it, but we haven't gotten that word yet for sure.

As for the hospital's going to last until Wednesday evening at the very earliest.  The infectious disease doctor told Aaron his white blood cell count was up after he went off the antibiotics.  He's off penicillin and vancomycin, but they put him on another broad spectrum antibiotic (I don't know which one) to try to take care of whatever is after him.  Blood was drawn to make cultures and those take two days for results. 

We're very grateful that Aaron is comparatively healthy throughout the process.  He looked a little pale when we saw him yesterday, but that was likely because he went for his first "walk" since arriving at the hospital.  He's been limited to trips to the bathroom for most of the time.  We only walked as far as the lobby because Andrew, Charlotte, and Daphne came just as we got to the elevators.  It's just a blessing to us that we can walk the halls with smiles on our faces.  It seems like every time I go visit him there is another patient's family member in the hall with tear-stained cheeks and red eyes.  I feel for them because I know that it could easily be us.  I remember what it was like to be that person when it was my dad in the hospital.  We just keep praying that the doctors will do what's best to keep Aaron healthy.

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